Officer Safety



Michael Warren

December 16, 2021

December 16, 2021

I was fortunate this week to spend some time this week in Georgia. The Cobb County Police Department was home for a couple of days of training. And, my oh my, their training facility is UNBELIEVABLE! If you ever get the chance to train there – do it!

But there was also a surprise when I was in the great State of Georgia. I went out to my car the morning of the first class and found it covered in frost. In Georgia. Now I am used to dealing with frost in Michigan. It’s part of the experience of living up north. But not Georgia.

And it got me to thinking. Christmas is just a week and a half away. We are certainly into the wintry weather months. One of my favorite times of the year – but one that presents its own unique challenges.

Roads can become slick – even in Georgia. Slick roads should change the way we drive. Most of the time it does. But there are times where officers continue to drive the same way they do when the roads are clear and dry. This is especially true when they are responding to an officer needs assistance.

I get it. I really do. There were times in my career when I pushed the limits (passed them?) when I was on the way to help one of my brothers or sisters. But as I look back, I realize that it was only luck that kept me from wrecking my car. From denying my fellow officer not only my assistance, but the assistance of those who had to reroute to help me.

Officers are forced to respond adaptively to situations. Things change. The threat changes. And in this case, the seasons change. Seasonal changes must be addressed – even when we need, really need, to get somewhere. Your safety depends on it. Other motorists’ safety may depend on it. Your fellow officers’ safety may depend on it.