Find’em, Hire’em, Keep’em: Gaining the Competitive Advantage

About This Course

Across the nation, police agencies are dealing with declining numbers of applicants and alarming turnover rates. Finding, hiring and retaining desirable personnel is becoming more and more difficult for agencies. Today’s employees are shopping for the best “deal” while also looking for agencies with the right culture and opportunities. This course will provide insight as to why today’s top talent are leaving agencies and provides suggestions as to how to keep them. Using guided discussion, case study and small group engagement, our facilitators will guide participants through the process of a 21st century style Recruiting, Hiring and Retention program that is grounded in proven concepts from both the public and private sector.

Appropriate Audience

This course is designed for Command Staff, Recruiters, and HR Managers.

Course Length

16 hours

Through guided discussion and small group exercises, participants will:
  • Explore why traditional recruiting techniques are not effective 
  • Identify the most sought-after personal traits and characteristics 
  • Learn the best practices recruiting plans and recruiting analysis 
  • Learn the importance of branding your agency 
  • Learn to streamline the hiring process to meet the applicant’s expectations 
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Benefits Include:

Making The Most Of Your Training Budget

Meeting POST Requirements

A More Professionally Trained Police Force

Build A Reputation As A Leader In Training Delivery

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